
Custer County Sheriff's Office Posse


About the Posse

The Custer County Sheriff’s Posse was founded in 2003. They are an all-volunteer organization that serves as an extension of the Sheriff’s Office, providing public safety services to the citizens of Custer County. Posse members donate their time performing a multitude of functions including event security, traffic control, Patrols (town, county, campground, school), inmate transfers, evacuations, major incident support.  Posse members donated over 6,900 hours in 2023.

In addition to the knowledge, and experience that every Posse member has, each must participate in regular training such as; arrest control, firearms, decisional shooting, room clearing, felony stops, and driver training.  

Conducting modern-day law enforcement requires an array of sophisticated equipment. Dedicated to serving Custer County, Posse members, using their personal funds, purchase nearly all of their required law enforcement uniforms and equipment.

To perform at a professional level, our Posse needs community support via donations for specialized equipment, training, and uniforms.

"Our goal is to give back to the community in ways that keep the county, its communities, and its citizens safe."

Request Posse Service

Event Assistance

Are you hosting an event and need extra security? Call our office and we will let you know if our Posse Member can assist you. 

Download Request Form

• Provide security for community functions, fairs, festivals and other events
• Traffic control
• School patrol
• Civil standby
• Backup patrol deputies
• Inmate transfers
• Courtroom security
• Evacuations
• Crime Scene Security
• Assist the Sheriff’s Office in major incidents/natural disasters (e.g. - wildfires)

House Watch 

If you are interested in getting on the house watch list fill out our House Watch Request Form. By adding your name to this list a Deputy or Posse Member will periodically drive by your home in a marked vehicle while you're away. 



Want to Volunteer or make a Donation?

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer Posse Member please fill out our Posse Application and drop it by the office. We are always taking applications! 

If you are interested in donating to the Posse you can do that by:

  1. Drop off or mail your Posse donation to the Sheriff's Office at 702 Rosita Ave, Westcliffe, CO 81252.
  2. Go to www.wmvcf.org (wet mountain valley community foundation), click on "Donate", go to "WMVCF General Donation", and enter your $$, put "Sheriff's Posse" in the "how you would like the above donation to be used" box. The WMVCF is a 501c3 organization, which acts as an "umbrella" 501c3 for many groups in the valley.

Mounted Posse

Our Mounted Posse are a select group of Posse Members that have been specially trained on horseback. These members and their horses are trained in assisting with Search and Rescue efforts when vehicles do not have access.